Meet NYC’s Wild Pollinators: Ruby Throated Hummingbird

Latin name 

Archilochus colubris


7-9 cm 

Flight season


Flower Preference

Red, orange, and pink tubular flowers


Parks, gardens, meadows, woodlands, forest edges, and grasslands

Interesting facts

Their wings beat up to 80 times per second!

The Ruby-throated Hummingbird is eastern North America’s sole breeding hummingbird.

Ruby-throated Hummingbirds show a slight preference for red, orange, and bright pink tubular flowers as nectar sources. Want to attract more hummingbirds? Plant purple coneflower, zinnias, Butterfly weed or milkweed and asters.


PHOTO by Linda Swentzel

Read more about the Ruby Throated Hummingbird at

Learn more about NYC’s other Wild Pollinators HERE


black swallowtail butterfly

Meet the Native Pollinators is a series aimed to provide an introduction to the many wild pollinators found in and around the NYC region. Learn more about the Black Swallowtail Butterfly below.

Latin name 

Papilio polyxenes


8-11 cm  (wingspan)

Flight season


Host Plant

plants in the carrot (Apiaceae) family, including Queen Anne’s lace, parsley, carrots, and dill


Parks, gardens, fields, meadows, and marshes

Interesting fact

Black Swallowtail Butterflies have a tube-like tongue called a proboscis that they use to sip nectar.

black swallowtail butterfly


PHOTO by Diana Gruberg


Eastern Carpenter Bee

Meet the Native Pollinators is a series aimed to provide an introduction to the many wild pollinators found in and around the NYC region. Learn more about the Eastern Carpenter Bee below.


Latin name 

Xylocopa virginica

Size: 20-25mm

Flight season: March-November

Flower preferences

Feeds on a variety of flowers, including bluebells, penstemons, and food crops


Parks, gardens, fields, and meadows

Interesting facts

Females chew holes in dead trees, logs, or stumps to make nests. They resemble bumble bees but can be distinguished by their shiny abdomen.

The male bee is unable to sting because the stinger is simply a modified ovipositor (which males lack by definition), though they will commonly approach human beings and buzz loudly around them or fly close to them.

Eastern Carpenter Bees use their maxillae to penetrate the corolla of plants and reach the nectar stores, a behavior known as nectar robbing. This happens when the bee pierces the corollas of long-tubed flowers, thus accessing nectar without making contact with the anthers and bypassing pollination. In some plants this reduces fruit production and seed number.

Learn more about the Eastern Carpenter Bee at iNaturalist

Eastern Carpenter Bee


PHOTO by Cindy Goulder


Common Eastern Bumble Bee

Bombus impatiens, the common eastern bumble bee, is the most commonly encountered bumblebee across much of eastern North America.

Latin name 

Bombus impatiens

Size: 15-25mm

Flight season: March-November

Flower preferences

Feeds on a variety of flowers, including clovers, asters, goldenrods, and thistles 


Parks, gardens, fields, and meadows

Interesting facts

They are social bees that live in colonies and make their nests underground, often in old rodent holes or burrows. The nests of B. impatiens do not have a predictable pattern and lay egg clumps all over inside the nest instead of having one brood area.



PHOTO by Arsilia Derenzo 


Learn more about the Eastern Bumble Bee at or

Read more of our Meet the Pollinators posts HERE